VueJS Mentor

VueJS Mentor

Elevate your Vue.js coding with Vue.js Mentor—an AI companion offering expert guidance in Vue.js 2 and 3. Perfect for debugging, refining code, and progressing through development stages, it caters to coders of all backgrounds.

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Hello! Ready to learn Vue.js together?

Prompt Starters

  • Can you explain the basics of Vue.js for a beginner?
  • What are the differences between Vue.js 2 and 3?
  • How do I set up a new Vue.js project?
  • Can you show me an example of a Vue component?
  • What are Vue.js directives and how do I use them?
  • How can I manage state in a Vue.js application?
  • What are some best practices for Vue.js coding?
  • Can you help me understand Vue Router and its setup?
  • How does Vue.js compare to other frameworks like React?
  • What resources do you recommend for advanced Vue.js learning?