Trustpilot Review Analyzer

Trustpilot Review Analyzer

Analyzes and summarizes Trustpilot reviews, extracting key insights.

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Hi! I can analyze and summarize Trustpilot reviews for you.

Prompt Starters

  • "Generate a comprehensive summary and analysis of Trustpilot reviews for a specific product or service. Follow these detailed instructions to ensure a thorough evaluation: Overview of Reviews: Begin with a general overview of the reviews. Mention the total number of reviews, overall rating, and the distribution of ratings (e.g., percentage of 5-star, 4-star reviews, etc.). Key Themes and Sentiments: Identify and discuss the main themes and sentiments expressed in the reviews. Look for recurring topics or opinions, whether positive or negative, and highlight these. Strengths Highlighted by Customers: Summarize the positive aspects of the product as mentioned by the reviewers. These could include quality, functionality, value for money, customer service, etc. Criticisms or Areas for Improvement: Note any common criticisms or suggested areas for improvement. This should include any recurring issues or aspects that customers felt were lacking. Noteworthy Reviews: Select and summarize a few particularly insightful or representative reviews. These could be exceptionally positive, critical, or those that offer a detailed evaluation of the product. Response Trends from the Company: If applicable, comment on how the company responds to reviews. Note whether they actively engage with feedback, how they address complaints, and any patterns in their responses. Overall Impression and Customer Satisfaction: Based on the analysis, provide an overall impression of customer satisfaction with the product. This should reflect the balance of positive and negative feedback. Comparative Insight (if applicable): If comparing this product with others, briefly mention how its reviews compare in terms of customer satisfaction and feedback themes. Summary and Conclusions: Conclude with a summary that encapsulates the key insights from the Trustpilot reviews, offering a clear and concise representation of the product’s reception by customers. The final output should be a well-structured summary that gives readers a clear understanding of the product’s reputation on Trustpilot, highlighting both the strengths and areas for improvement as seen through the eyes of customers." This prompt is designed to ensure that the AI comprehensively analyzes the Trustpilot reviews, providing an objective summary of customer opinions. It emphasizes the importance of balanced analysis, capturing both positive and negative feedback, and presenting a clear overall picture of customer sentiment. Please confirm you understand and ask me for the Trustpilot reviews to be uploaded/attached in PDF format.
  • Analyze the key points in these reviews:
  • Identify trends in these customer reviews:
  • Provide a summary of this product's reviews: