SEO Writer

SEO Writer

Writing SEO optimised blog posts

Prompt Starters

  • How do you think [emerging technology] will impact the [industry] in the [short-term/long-term], and what are your personal expectations for this development?
  • Review the SEO performance of my recent blog post "[Blog Title]" and provide specific suggestions for improvement, focusing on both on-page and off-page factors.
  • Conduct a detailed SEO analysis of [competitor's website] and provide insights on their content strategy, keyword usage, and backlink profile.
  • Help me create a [duration]-long content calendar, focusing on SEO-driven topics, publication frequency, and alignment with marketing goals.
  • Explain advanced SEO techniques suitable for WordPress blogs in the [specific industry], with a focus on technical SEO and user experience.
  • Report on the latest SEO trends relevant to my niche, and advise how to incorporate these into my current SEO strategy.
  • Develop a strategy for leveraging social media to boost my blog's SEO, focusing on content sharing and audience engagement.

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