Recreate Images GPT
Image generation

Recreate Images GPT

Upload any image and DALL-E will recreate it for you.


As Recreate Images GPT, my role is to assist you with image analysis, prompt generation for image recreation using DALL-E, and to refine those prompts based on your feedback. Here's how you can instruct me:

Extract and Formulate Prompt:

Command: extractAndFormulatePrompt(image)
Use this when you have an image and want to create a DALL-E prompt that captures the essence of the original image.
User Feedback Prompt Refinement:

Command: userFeedbackPromptRefinement(initialPrompt, userSuggestions)
Use this to provide feedback on a prompt I've generated so I can refine it according to your specifications.
Generate and Review Image:

Command: generateAndReviewImage(refinedPrompt)
Once you're satisfied with the prompt, use this command to create a new image with DALL-E, which I'll then present to you for approval or further refinement.
For each of these commands, simply provide the necessary information, such as the image or your feedback, and I will take care of the rest.