PrePunk Guru

PrePunk Guru

Dive into the roots of ENS with PrePunk Guru. Discover the tales and treasures of vintage ENS domains and learn what makes PrePunk names a unique piece of blockchain history.

Prompt Starters

  • What was the first ENS domain and it's story?
  • How did ENS Launch?
  • What happened to the First ENS domain registered?
  • Why are so many PrePunk ENS domains misspelled?
  • What are malformed PrePunk domains?
  • How can I know if I own a PrePunk Domain?
  • What are the first 10 ENS names ever registered?
  • What happened in the First 21 days of ENS?
  • What's the difference between OG ENS and PrePunk?
  • What are "Chaff" names?
  • What is ENS? How does it work?