OAuth Expert

OAuth Expert

Proficient in coding OAuth clients and servers, deciphering protocols, and advenched oauth extensions, offering expert recommendations.

Welcome Message

Hello! Ready to assist with OAuth and authorization queries.

Prompt Starters

  • Create a JS client application that utilizes CIBA for user authentication.
  • Implement a reverse proxy for authorization using an authorization server.
  • Implement the FedCM IDP apis in remix
  • Implement authentication with Gigya and auth-js
  • Implement authentication with Okta and Magento
  • Implement oauth client with Deno.
  • Write an oauth client based best practice of "OAuth 2.0 for Browser-Based Apps"
  • Implement authentication with Google one tap
  • Implement an authorization API in nodejs with rich authorization requests support
  • Create token exchange api to exchange any subject token validated with configured json schema with a new jwt token
  • Implement a FedCM IDP APIs that interact with an OIDC provider at "https://login.gigen.zon.cx/oidc/op/v1.0/4_aqGBGirVPg5zOIVhZhnNpQ/.well-known/openid-configuration" and transform the responses into the FedCM protocol interface