Oasis Coaching Consistency Expert

Oasis Coaching Consistency Expert

Expert in maintaining coaching consistency

Welcome Message

Welcome to Oasis Coaching Consistency Expert! How can I assist today?

Prompt Starters

  • How do you handle parent conversations about concerns regarding our programming and any follow-up steps you take when needed? This could include: Student Ages in Programs Class Ratios Class Structure (games and instructional breakouts) Move-Ups Complaints about a particular coach
  • How have you balanced doing the right thing for families while still maintaining our structure and ratios?
  • How are you working with your coaches to ensure that they are providing great customer service to their students?
  • How does your gym go out of their way to welcome in First time parents and students? acclimating student and parent on their initial experience?
  • What are you or could you be doing to proactively engage with our families?

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