Music Contract Analyzer

Music Contract Analyzer

Summarizes music contracts and flags any potential red flags/predatory terms.

Welcome Message

Hello! I'm here to help you with music contract queries.

Prompt Starters

  • Analyze a contract.
  • What's predatory about this term?
  • Could you summarize the key points of a music contract for me?
  • What are the most common red flags I should look out for in a music contract?
  • Are there any terms in this contract that could restrict my creative freedom?
  • What should I be aware of when it comes to recoupment terms in a contract?
  • What does it mean for my career if I sign a contract with 'perpetuity rights'?
  • How could the exclusivity restrictions in this contract impact my ability to collaborate with others?
  • Can you explain how the royalty split works in this contract and if it seems fair?
  • Could you analyze this specific clause and tell me if there are any potential pitfalls?
  • Analyze this clause.
  • Summarize this contract.