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  • Regarding lung transplantation, select the correct alternative A) Unilateral lung transplantation is preferable to bilateral lung transplantation, due to the higher survival rate. B) Both unilateral and bilateral transplants are performed through an anterior thoracotomy with transverse section of the sternum (“clamshell” incision). C) Bronchiolitis obliterans is one of the rarest complications in chronic graft dysfunction. D) Restrictive graft syndrome is considered a late complication of lung transplantation.
  • 2) In magnetic resonance imaging of the spine: :') When there is fluid in the disc space, spondylodiscitis should be suspected). Uncoarthrosis is the main cause of foraminal stenosis in the thoracic spine) Disc extrusions always show hyposignal on T2. ​​They are correct: a) | b) lell c) lell d) All are correct 49) Among the alternatives below, select the one that represents the best indication for coronary tomography angiography in the emergency room: A) Patients with suspected high-risk acute coronary syndrome. B) Symptomatic patients with a high probability of coronary artery disease according to the Diamond-Forrester criteria. C) Investigation of acute chest pain using the triple rule-out technique. D) Suspicion of low/intermediate risk acute coronary syndrome, normal or non-diagnostic electrocardiogram and negative myocardial necrosis markers. 50) Regarding the anatomy of the coronary circulation, select the correct alternative: A) Left coronary dominance is the most common in the population. B) Coronary dominance can be established by evaluating the dominant coronary artery in relation to the posterior interventricular groove and governed by the crux cordis. C) The trunk of the left coronary artery generally bifurcates into the anterior descending and circumflex arteries, but may trifurcate, identifying a third branch called marginal. D) The great cardiac vein is the largest and the main venous conduit of the heart, formed by the veins that drain almost all the venous blood from the myocardium.
  • User 28. Female patient, 39 years old, seeks the emergency room due to subacute tetraparesis that has developed in the last week, associated with incoercible hiccups. MRI of the cervical spine demonstrates longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis, affecting the area postrema, with central foci with a signal similar to cerebrospinal fluid. Point out the alternative with one of the most likely diagnoses and the test to be requested to confirm it: A) Medullary tumor; urgent spinal cord biopsy B) Multiple sclerosis; serum oligoclonal bands C) Neuromyelitis optica; Serum AQP4-IgG D) Anti-MOG-related disease; anti-NMDA serum
  • Patient with polytrauma with pelvic fracture and hematuria. Whole body tomography was performed, including the acquisition of late images in the excretory phase. The images showed pre-vesical extraperitoneal fluid accumulation without extravasation of the vesical contrast medium. Regarding the assessment of bladder injury in the above case, it can be stated: A) Bladder injury can be ruled out. B) New images must be acquired in the prone position. C) Cystotomography must be performed. D) There is no need for additional information, as the diagnosis of bladder injury has already been confirmed.
  • 1. The context provides some information on local failure rates following mastectomy and irradiation of the internal mammary chain in node-negative breast cancer patients. It mentions that the local recurrence sites were the operative scar and chest wall. However, it does not provide information on the outcomes of patients who underwent chest wall irradiation following mastectomy, or compare outcomes between patients who received this additional treatment and those who did not. Therefore, it is not possible to make an evidence-based recommendation on whether chest wall irradiation should be included after mastectomy in these patients based on the provided context. A. The context gives enough information to answer the question. B. The context does not give enough information to answer the question. 2. A 6-year-old girl is brought to the emergency department because of right elbow swelling and pain 30 minutes after falling onto her outstretched right arm. She has been unable to move her right elbow since the fall. Physical examination shows bruising, swelling, and tenderness of the right elbow; range of motion is limited by pain. An x-ray of the right arm shows a supracondylar fracture of the humerus with anterior displacement of the proximal fragment. Further evaluation is most likely to show which of the following findings? A. Absent distal radial pulse B. Radial deviation of the wrist C. Inability to abduct shoulder D. Inability to flex the elbow 3. Two weeks after undergoing low anterior resection for rectal cancer, a 52-year-old man comes to the physician because of swelling in both feet. He has not had any fever, chills, or shortness of breath. His temperature is 36°C (96.8°F) and pulse is 88/min. Physical examination shows a normal thyroid and no jugular venous distention. Examination of the lower extremities shows bilateral non-pitting edema that extends from the feet to the lower thigh, with deep flexion creases. His skin is warm and dry, and there is no erythema or rash. Microscopic examination of the interstitial space in this patient's lower extremities would be most likely to show the presence of which of the following? A. Acellular, protein-poor fluid B. Lymphocytic, hemosiderin-rich fluid C. Lipid-rich, protein-rich fluid D. Protein-rich, glycosaminoglycan-rich fluid 4. A 34-year-old gravida 2, para 1 woman at 37+6 weeks of gestation presents for elective cesarean delivery. She says she has been having increased fatigue over the past few weeks. Past medical history includes gestational hypertension for which she has been taking an antihypertensive drug twice daily since week 24. Her vital signs include: temperature 36.7°C (98.0°F), blood pressure 120/75 mm Hg, pulse 127/min. Physical examination reveals generalized pallor. Her laboratory results reveal microcytic, hypochromic anemia with anisocytosis, hemoglobin of 9 g/dL, a differential with 14% lymphocytes, an ESR of 22 mm/hr, and a reticulocyte production index of 3.1. A direct antiglobulin test is positive. LFTs, creatinine, ferritin level, vitamin B12 level, coagulation studies, and urinalysis are normal. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis in this patient? A. Preeclampsia B. Hereditary spherocytosis C. HELLP syndrome D. Drug-induced immune hemolytic reaction 5. You are counseling a pregnant woman who plans to breast-feed exclusively regarding her newborn's nutritional requirements. The child was born at home and the mother only plans for her newborn to receive vaccinations but no other routine medical care. Which vitamins should be given to the newborn? A. Folic acid B. Vitamin K C. Vitamin D D. Vitamin K and Vitamin D 6. An investigator is studying nutritional deficiencies in humans. A group of healthy volunteers are started on a diet deficient in pantothenic acid. After 4 weeks, several of the volunteers develop irritability, abdominal cramps, and burning paresthesias of their feet. These symptoms are fully reversed after reintroduction of pantothenic acid to their diet. The function of which of the following enzymes was most likely impaired in the volunteers during the study? A. Methionine synthase B. Alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase C. Glutathione reductase D. Dopamine beta-hydroxylase