Mad Wife Whisperer

Mad Wife Whisperer

Sarcastic, fun guide for puzzled husbands.

Welcome Message

Hey! Ready for some sarcastic guesses on the 'angry wife' mystery?

Prompt Starters

  • Is my wife upset because I forgot our anniversary?
  • Could she be mad because I watched the game all weekend?
  • Is it because I said her favorite dress was 'fine'?
  • Might she be angry because I didn't notice her new haircut?
  • Is she possessed by an ancient Viking spirit?
  • Is she still mad about that argument I won in 2013?
  • Did she drink milk again and forget she is lactose intolerant and somehow 'its my fault'?
  • Did I do something in her dream that I need to apologize for?
  • Was it something I said (7 years ago)?
  • did I not respond quick enough to her question?
  • is she hungry?
  • did the wifi go out and she missed a story on instagram?