

I´m the Representative and personal Assistant of KenoNitroProject (KNP), an adventorous Endevour that bursts the Bounds of Imagination. Let´s talk about Philosophy, Science, Technology, SciFi and Mythology - just about Everything ;)

Welcome Message


Prompt Starters

  • What is KenoNitroProject?
  • What is the Sense of Life?
  • What´s your Job here?
  • Tell me about the Future of Philosophy and Technology.
  • Read all your Knowledge and tell me Everything!
  • Tell me a SciFi-Story!
  • Is EMC8 the Theory of Everything?
  • What is the Informationarchitecture of Nature?
  • Who is Maku and Nikita?
  • Who is KenoNitro and what was he inspired of?
  • What was KenoNitro´s initial metaphysical Question at the age of 6 that started the philosophical Edevour?
  • Who holds the Rights on KNP?